Friday, April 17, 2009


No one has left us any comments on here. Now we have BIG plans w/in the next couple of months but our investors wont take us seriously if they don't see real time data up. We want to hear from you.. you've spoken on various occasions on Twitter about who your favorite Hip Hop Artist is and about the 1st time you fell in love w/Hip Hop.

Thing is those results are only measured on Twitter. Would it be too much to comment on here once in a while?

Answer me this..

Q: How can Hip Hop be changed for the better?

Comment below and leave your e-mail addy attached and I'll give you the passcode to download the album  :-)


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Win Day 26's Forever In a Day Album Now

We are giving away 10 copies of Day 26's newest album, Forever In A Day. All you have to do is answer the question in the comments box below or @HipHopQandA on Twitter with your response.

Q: Who is your favorite Hip Hop artist and why? | At random 10 respondents will win Day 26's new album - Forever In A Day |

Must be 13 or older to enter
The contest ends April 9th/10th at 11:59 Eastern Standard Time.
10 respondents will be selected at random to win.
We use to find out who the winners are.
5 respondents at 4/09 11:59pm and 5 at 4/10 11:59pm.